Break out a family favorite: tuna casserole. The traditional comfort food is great for serving large groups. In our tuna casserole recipe, we cut the sauce...
This seafood stew, an impressive crowd-pleaser, can be prepared ahead of time and finished just 15 minutes before you serve it. If you leave out the crab...
Indulge in a plate full of linguine and prawns bathed in garlicky Parmesan cream sauce for dinner tonight. Sprinkle with extra cheese and lemon zest to...
This is a quick and flavorful one-pan dish blending shrimp, parsley, lemon juice, and tomatoes. Red pepper flakes give this family-friendly weeknight dinner...
From your kitchen, tested and approved in ours. One of our Danish fans, Henrik Dan Jensen, perfected this classic meal and says, "White wine, my special...
This mac and cheese is a fantastic one-dish meal -- it's so rich and creamy and cheesy, all you'll need is a simple green salad to serve alongside, and...
Shellfish is the star in the traditional Italian pasta dish linguine ai frutti di mare. Our recipe calls for five varieties: clams, mussels, scallops,...
This 20-minute shrimp pasta recipe is sure to become a favorite. All you need for the sauce is a flavorful and fragrant combination of butter, garlic,...
Salmon is a versatile, ultra heart-healthy superfood, and its preparation possibilities are endless. Here, a skinless roasted fillet creates a simple but...
Chili sauce and honey are all you need to build major flavor in this shrimp recipe. The glaze caramelizes on the grill for even more complexity. Feel free...
A base of small crabmeat with larger pieces folded in saves money invisibly. For a splurge, use all backfin and lump when making these Maryland style crab...
Best-selling cookbook author Mark Bittman says, "This basic recipe is easy and reliable, and the results taste great. You can use any thick fillet or fish...
Letting a fillet sizzle in a pan with butter, capers, and fresh herbs is one highly civilized way to get dinner on the table in less than 30 minutes. Go...
This recipe is inspired by the one in "Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home" (copyright Julia Child and Jacques Pepin, published by Alfred A. Knopf). Ask...
We used lemon sole, a flaky, mild-tasting white fish. At the market, look for flat fish such as sole or flounder; Pacific-caught are the most sustainable....
Turn fresh shrimp into burger-worthy patties after giving them a spin in a food processor and binding them together with breadcrumbs and mayonnaise. Serve...
The mild, slightly sweet flavor and flaky texture of red snapper takes well to light seasoning and a quick saute. You can also make this dish with black...
This tasty marinade-hot but not punishing-is so easy and so flavorful that it will quickly make its way into your regular rotation. Shrimp is marinated...
This quick-cooking New Orleans classic is spicy and hearty-and turns any meal into a festive occasion. It's chockful of green bell peppers, whole plum...
Sliced almonds lend crunch to every bite of this classic seafood dinner. Besides being flavorful, trout is full of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial...
Here, Dijon mustard serves a dual purpose: It flavors the delicate fish, and helps the breadcrumb coating stay in place as the fish cooks. Tilapia can...
When it comes to radiating warmth at the dinner table, nothing beats a one-pot casserole. What's more, this dish can be assembled a day ahead, goes straight...